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​​Is Hutchinson, Kansas the REAL Smallville?​

We believe that the city of Hutchinson has enough in common with the fictitious town of "Smallville, KS" to warrant the changing of our lovely hometown's name.

Our hometown has several tourist attractions already. We would love to see that increase by a great amount and we strongly believe that (should this happen) it would be a huge economic boost to the city, county and area.


All of our facts and comparisons come from the television show, Smallville, comic books, graphic novels, or any unique link between Hutchinson and Smallville. Our administrators are all natives of Hutchinson, having all lived there for at least 20 years. Our goal is for Warner Brothers and DC Comics to recognize Hutchinson as the REAL Smallville. We believe that no town in America has a better argument for the title.


Our Staff:
Ben Eisiminger - Co-founder (PR/Social Media Nerd)
KC McNeely - Co-founder (Fanboy Fact Checker)
Christopher Wietrick - Co-founder (Geek with Pencils)

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